CCT SciViz

The Rising Bubble

Simulations by Dimitris E. Nikitopoulos and Eamonn Walker,
Visualization by Werner Benger and Farid Harhad using Vish

[Flash Video]

[Flash Video]

Visualization Sources

Vish Scripts
bubble.vis - volume rendering of the pressure field
bubblestream.vis - streamlines of the velocity field
bubblevolumestream.vis - streamlines and volume rendering of the velocity field

Petashare Data Sources
Two timesteps at T=20, 80.3MB
(rename to RisingBubble.f5 for the above script files to work)
297 timesteps, full evolution, 11.69GB

[Flash Video]

[Flash Video]

© 2005-2010 Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University
Web Design by Amanda Long, Ana Buleu, Werner Benger