Wizt::CreateParameterGUI | Iterator class to create a Qt GUI element for each input parameter of an VISH object |
Wizt::DirViewCreator | The creator object for OpenGL viewers in a Qt environment |
Wizt::FramedViewer | A viewer in a frame, which shares the value pool with another GLViewer |
Wizt::FramedViewer | A viewer in a frame, which shares the value pool with another GLViewer |
GLViewer | Implementation of an OpenGL-based viewer in a Qt Environment |
GLViewerCreator | The creator object for OpenGL viewers in a Qt environment |
ImgViewer | Implementation of an viewer in a Qt Environment |
ImgViewerCreator | The creator object for OpenGL viewers in a Qt environment |
Wizt::Logger | A tree window which shows log messages |
Wizt::QCreateViewer | Interface for Creators that may provide an OpenGL (or other) viewer, to be used by the MetaViewer |
Wizt::QFloat | A QT widget that provides a float value |
Wizt::QGLTabWindow | A class which provides a stack of tabbed GL widgets |
Wizt::QIconizer | Interface for classes providing iconification of a Qt input Widget |
Wizt::QInputCreator | Abstract base class for interfaces on Creator objects that forward a VMainWindow pointer to the virtual creation function |
Wizt::QInputWidget | Intermediate return object for QInputCreators; these provide an VInputBase together with their QWidget that provides the input |
Wizt::QInputWidgetCreator< Type, QInputWidgetType > | A possible implementation of a VCreator that provides an QInputCreator |
Wizt::QInteger | A QT widget that adjusts an VInteger |
Wizt::QInterface | Interface for classes providing a Qt Widget |
Wizt::QLeaveLineEdit | A Qt widget for inputting a line which emits an returnPressed() signal when the mouse leaves the input field |
Wizt::QMetaViewer | A most simple example of a Qt Meta Viewer implementation |
Wizt::QMetaViewer | A most simple example of a Qt Meta Viewer implementation |
Wizt::QMetaViewer | A Qt-based MetaViewer that can be created when querying an input for type MetaViewerInputType, as in |
Wizt::QMetaViewer | A Qt-based MetaViewer that can be created when querying an input for type MetaViewerInputType, as in |
Wizt::QMetaViewer | A most simple example of a Qt Meta Viewer implementation |
Wizt::QMetaViewerCreatorEnvironment | Qt-environment when creating a window with multiple viewers |
Wizt::QPlanktonViewer | The toplevel QT window |
Wizt::qTabbedViewer | A class which provides a stack of tabbed GL widgets |
Wizt::QTimerInputCreator< Type, QInputWidgetType > | A possible implementation of an VCreator that provides an QInputCreator |
Wizt::QTimerInputCreatorBase | Abstract base class for interfaces on Creator objects that forward a VMainWindow pointer to the virtual creation function |
Wizt::QToolAction | An Qt Interface that executed an ToolAction's action() as a Qt slot which can be connected to the Qt signal of some widget |
Wizt::qVCacheInfoFrame | An Qt Widget that takes care of setting cacheing information |
Wizt::qVHeartBeat | A object that regularly issues an request(), with a rate of several ticks per second |
Wizt::QViewer | Base class for Qt-based viewers |
Wizt::qViewerFrame | A class which provides a stack of tabbed GL widgets |
Wizt::qViewerFrame | A class which provides a stack of tabbed GL widgets |
Wizt::qVInputSelectionLabel | The QT interface covering the name of an VInput and providing its context menu |
Wizt::qVMainWindow | The toplevel QT window |
Wizt::qVParameter | QVish representation of a VParameter:
Wizt::SubFramer | A Qt Widget are that forwards resize() events to its childs |
TimerBar | |
Wizt::ToolAction | Abstract base class for actions which are executed after some event |
Wizt::VCScript | An editable window containing a history of events and allowing interaction with certain text objects |
Wizt::VInputLabel | The QT interface covering the name of an VInput and providing its context menu |
Wizt::VObjectFrame | The QT gui for an VObject |
Wizt::VObjectFrameIndicator | A reference object which exists for each VObjectFrame and indicates its existence |
Wizt::VObjectNet | The QT window containing all VObject's |
Wizt::VObjectOutputMenu | The QT Context Menu that lists the output options for a certain VObject |
Wizt::VObjectStory | An editable window containing a history of events and allowing interaction with certain text objects |
Wizt::VObjectTree | A tree of objects |
Wizt::VQColor | A QTWidget that adjusts a rgba_float_t color object |
Wizt::vQEnum | A QT widget that allows to select from a list of strings |
Wizt::VQInfo | This is a pure output object |
Wizt::VQScrollView | Intermediate class of a Qt scroll view that paints connections between objects as well |
Wizt::VQStringList | A QT widget that allows to select from a list of strings |
Wizt::VShakeDetector | Detects "shake" events |