Wizt::qVParameter Class Reference
#include <qVParameter.hpp>
Inheritance diagram for Wizt::qVParameter:
List of all members.
Detailed Description
qVish representation of a VParameter:
- a label with the parameter's name
- an input section with some appropriate QT widget
Public Member Functions
void cleanseInputWidget ()
- Remove associated current input widget.
int ExpertLevel ()
bool makeQWidget (const RefPtr< VInputCreatorBase > &vip, const RefPtr< ValuePoolProvider > &, qVTimerWindowContainer &TWC)
- Given a certain VInputCreatorBase, create a QWidget representation from it.
qVParameter (QWidget *Parent)
qVInputSelectionLabel * replaceInputSelectionLabel (const RefPtr< VObject > &Owner, const VObject::Slot &what, const RefPtr< VParameter > &ProvidedParam)
qVInputLabel * setInputLabel (const RefPtr< ValuePoolProvider > &ValuePoolProvider, qVTimerWindowContainer &TWC, const RefPtr< VObject > &Owner, const VObject::Slot &what)
- Setup the left side of the qVParameter, which is the name of the specific parameter in the context of a given VObject.
qVInputSelectionLabel * setInputSelectionLabel (const RefPtr< ValuePoolProvider > &ValuePoolProvider, qVTimerWindowContainer &TWC, const RefPtr< VObject > &Owner, const VObject::Slot &what, const RefPtr< VParameter > &ProvidedParam)
- Setup a right side for the qVParameter, which is some string selection for the given type.
void valueChanged ()
Public Attributes
RefPtr< Notifier > myNotifier
The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
- qVParameter.hpp
- qVParameter.cpp
Generated on Thu Oct 9 22:29:07 2008 for QVISH by