Jean-Luc's Movies

Jean-Luc Movie: /NCSA1999/BrillWaves/BW6_128_0.04_max5/Psi4Alpha

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Supercritical Brill Wave with Amplitude 6. Like in BW 4 Psi4Alpha, the Re{\Psi_4} Weyl Scalar is shown as red volume, with the lapse function beyond.

However, in contrast to the subcritical case, the lapse function does not bounce back, and most of the gravitational wave's energy can't escape a certain region. Some time after evolution has started, an apparent horizon forms. It is displayed as the dotted surface which grows somewhat during the evolution.

Still there is some gravitational radiation emitted outside the apparent horizon, because the initial black hole is highly distorted, but it must evolve to a Schwarzschild or Kerr Black hole. There the highly distorted regions of the black hole emit the largest amounts of gravitational radiation and a lesser distorted black hole is left. In the long term, a Schwarzschild/Kerr black hole has been created.

Simulation code: Miguel Alcubierre , Gabrielle Allen , Bernd Bruegmann , Gerd Lanfermann , Lars Nerger , Ed Seidel , Ryoji Takahashi, Tom Goodale, Daniel Holz, Steve Brandt, Paul Walker, Thomas Radke (AEI)
John Shalf (NCSA)
Toni Arbona, Joan Masso and Carles Bona (University of the Balearic Islands)
Wai-Mo Suen , Malcolm Tobias (WashU)
( AEI , WashU )

Mpeg Movie: Psi4Alpha.mpg
( Mpeg -