Jean-Luc's Movies

Jean-Luc Movie: /NCSA1999/BrillWaves/BW4_128_0.04/Psi4YZ

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While in Psi4Alpha only positive values of Re{\Psi_4} are shown, this movie also shows the negative values, therefore displaying the entire range of Re{\Psi_4} intensities. Positive values are rendered as blue volumetric isolevels, negative values in red/magenta colors. High intensity positive/negative values are rendered in yellow-white. So although the value +2 and -2 result in the same color, areas of +2 and -2 are distinct, because such areas are separated by colorfull intermediate regions. At 0.0 the color changes most rapidly from pure red to pure blue. To enhance the color change at 0.0 even more, a black isosurface at level 0.0 was added.

During evolution one can see that the initial torodial structure (which is cut into one half in this bitant rendering) collapses into a more equatorial shape (T~4), which then first expands somewhat just within the equatorial plane. Shortly later, this energy concentration expands (T~6) in all directions, finally sending the previously shown large pulse, which leaves the grid boundary at T~15. The residual radiation is mainly numerical noise.

Simulation code: Miguel Alcubierre , Gabrielle Allen , Bernd Bruegmann , Gerd Lanfermann , Lars Nerger , Ed Seidel , Ryoji Takahashi, Tom Goodale, Daniel Holz, Steve Brandt, Paul Walker, Thomas Radke (AEI)
John Shalf (NCSA)
Toni Arbona, Joan Masso and Carles Bona (University of the Balearic Islands)
Wai-Mo Suen , Malcolm Tobias (WashU)
( AEI , WashU )

Mpeg Movie: Psi4YZ.mpg
( Mpeg -