- Member Eagle::BoundingBall::expandBall (const BoundingBall &B)
- Check whether there is a faster way to implement void BoundingBall::expandBall(const BoundingBall&B)
- Member Eagle::Christoffel::operator() (const TVector_t &v, const TVector_t &w) const
- Make use of symmetry
, add special case v==w.
- Class Eagle::DerivationTrait< VectorWedgeVector >
- Use class LeibnitzRule here
- Class Eagle::KDTree
- Implement Back to Front order traversal http://www.flipcode.com/archives/Thoughts_On_Visibility_Determination-In_Dynamic_Semi-Static_and_Static_Scenes.shtml
- Member Eagle::PhysicalSpace::operator- (const point &P, const vector &v)
- Use computational constructor for '-'
- Class Eagle::PhysicalSpace::rotor
- Need to implement optimization for unit rotors, such that the norm2() function always returns 1.0 without computation.
- Member Eagle::PhysicalSpace::rotor::operator() (const vector &v) const
- Hmm, isn't there a sign error in the 2 s vU part? Plz verify!!
- Member Eagle::TernaryOperatorNode::derive (const ScalarVariableNode &Variable) const
- Ternary derivation not yet implemented
- Member Eagle::Torsion::operator() (const TVector_t &v, const TVector_t &w) const
- Make use of symmetry
, add special case v==w.
- Class MemCore::ReferenceCount
- Use a class atomic_count instead of this #ifdef battle here...
- Page The VISH iterator concept
- Validate that all Iterator classes actually conform to this specification. If not, adjust.
- Member Wizt::basename (const string &url)
- move into memcore/stringutil.hpp
- Member Wizt::BufferArray::load_untyped (const void *ptr, memsize_t MemorySize, size_t nElements, usage usage_hint=STATIC_DRAW)
- Call does unbind() internally. Think if that is a problem and/or should be optimized.
- Member Wizt::BufferID::~BufferID ()
- Need to investigate when OpenGL buffers may be deleted. Might need an explicit cleanup function.
- Member Wizt::extname (const string &url)
- move into memcore/stringutil.hpp
- Member Wizt::GLFontManagerCreator::CreateFontManager ()=0
- Pass VCreationPreferences
- Class Wizt::Programmable
- As of now, there is no path searching implemented. Shader code will be used from the current directory, whatever this might be.
- Member Wizt::StringSelection::tryselect (const string &what)
- A future version might actually select the string which is most similar to those existing in the list, or accept a regular expression here for maximum match.
- Class Wizt::TextureCreator
- should be derived from Creator<> template?
- Member Wizt::Touchable::pickAction (TouchIndex_t localIndex) const
- Maybe pass Context/ValuePool as parameter here
- Member Wizt::TouchList::pickAction (int D=0) const
- Maybe pass Context/ValuePool as parameter here
- Class Wizt::VCameraSet
- Generalize this class to a generic parameter set, with the Camera just being one of them.
- Class Wizt::VLogger
- Provide a std::ostream interface . But should be in a separate header file.
- Member Wizt::VParameter::setValue (const Type &Variable, const RefPtr< ValuePool > &VP, const string &member, bool forceLocalCreation, const WeakPtr< ValueNotifier > &issuer, const ValueNotifierList *Exclude=0, const ValueMap *vParam=0) const
- Add shadow parameterization!!
- Member Wizt::VSlot::forceSetProperty (const string &name, const T &value) const
- Think about clustering of parameter property notifications. Won't be too hard, since the VParameter::setValueParameter() code is the one sending the notification. Just need to conceive a safe and convenient API.
- Member Wizt::VThreadCreator::CreateThreadManager ()=0
- Pass VCreationPreferences
- Class Wizt::VThreadManager
- Add cache-like management, probably using the MemCore::Cache class
- Class Wizt::VTraceRequestID
- Can only trace one request group, not many. Since requests are not supposed to be issueable reentrant, this is not supposed to be an issue, but think about it more.
- Class Wizt::VTypedValueBase
- Consider whether this shouldn't better be an interface. Then, a certain type may implement multiple type conversions, e.g. from float to int.