VISH  0.2
Todo List
Member Eagle::BoundingBall::expandBall (const BoundingBall &B)
Check whether there is a faster way to implement void BoundingBall::expandBall(const BoundingBall&B)
Member Eagle::Christoffel::operator() (const TVector_t &v, const TVector_t &w) const
Make use of symmetry $\Gamma^a_{bc} = \Gamma^a_{cb} $, add special case v==w.
Class Eagle::DerivationTrait< VectorWedgeVector >
Use class LeibnitzRule here
Class Eagle::KDTree
Implement Back to Front order traversal
Member Eagle::PhysicalSpace::operator- (const point &P, const vector &v)
Use computational constructor for '-'
Class Eagle::PhysicalSpace::rotor
Need to implement optimization for unit rotors, such that the norm2() function always returns 1.0 without computation.
Member Eagle::PhysicalSpace::rotor::operator() (const vector &v) const
Hmm, isn't there a sign error in the 2 s vU part? Plz verify!!
Member Eagle::TernaryOperatorNode::derive (const ScalarVariableNode &Variable) const
Ternary derivation not yet implemented
Member Eagle::Torsion::operator() (const TVector_t &v, const TVector_t &w) const
Make use of symmetry $\Gamma^a_{bc} = \Gamma^a_{cb} $, add special case v==w.
Class MemCore::ReferenceCount
Use a class atomic_count instead of this #ifdef battle here...
Page The VISH iterator concept
Validate that all Iterator classes actually conform to this specification. If not, adjust.
Member Wizt::basename (const string &url)
move into memcore/stringutil.hpp
Member Wizt::BufferArray::load_untyped (const void *ptr, memsize_t MemorySize, size_t nElements, usage usage_hint=STATIC_DRAW)
Call does unbind() internally. Think if that is a problem and/or should be optimized.
Member Wizt::BufferID::~BufferID ()
Need to investigate when OpenGL buffers may be deleted. Might need an explicit cleanup function.
Member Wizt::extname (const string &url)
move into memcore/stringutil.hpp
Member Wizt::GLFontManagerCreator::CreateFontManager ()=0
Pass VCreationPreferences
Class Wizt::Programmable
As of now, there is no path searching implemented. Shader code will be used from the current directory, whatever this might be.
Member Wizt::StringSelection::tryselect (const string &what)
A future version might actually select the string which is most similar to those existing in the list, or accept a regular expression here for maximum match.
Class Wizt::TextureCreator
should be derived from Creator<> template?
Member Wizt::Touchable::pickAction (TouchIndex_t localIndex) const
Maybe pass Context/ValuePool as parameter here
Member Wizt::TouchList::pickAction (int D=0) const
Maybe pass Context/ValuePool as parameter here
Class Wizt::VCameraSet
Generalize this class to a generic parameter set, with the Camera just being one of them.
Class Wizt::VLogger
Provide a std::ostream interface . But should be in a separate header file.
Member Wizt::VParameter::setValue (const Type &Variable, const RefPtr< ValuePool > &VP, const string &member, bool forceLocalCreation, const WeakPtr< ValueNotifier > &issuer, const ValueNotifierList *Exclude=0, const ValueMap *vParam=0) const
Add shadow parameterization!!
Member Wizt::VSlot::forceSetProperty (const string &name, const T &value) const
Think about clustering of parameter property notifications. Won't be too hard, since the VParameter::setValueParameter() code is the one sending the notification. Just need to conceive a safe and convenient API.
Member Wizt::VThreadCreator::CreateThreadManager ()=0
Pass VCreationPreferences
Class Wizt::VThreadManager
Add cache-like management, probably using the MemCore::Cache class
Class Wizt::VTraceRequestID
Can only trace one request group, not many. Since requests are not supposed to be issueable reentrant, this is not supposed to be an issue, but think about it more.
Class Wizt::VTypedValueBase
Consider whether this shouldn't better be an interface. Then, a certain type may implement multiple type conversions, e.g. from float to int.