VISH  0.2
Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector Member List
This is the complete list of members for Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector, including all inherited members.
base() (defined in Eagle::Column< Dims, real >)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
base() const (defined in Eagle::Column< Dims, real >)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Base_t typedef (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector
Column()Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const ValueType &V) (defined in Eagle::Column< Dims, real >)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline, explicit]
Column(const FixedArray< ValueType, R > &V)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline, explicit]
Column(const Row< R, value > &r, const TransposeOperation &)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const Column< R, value > &r, const value &V, const Mult &)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const Column &A, const Operator<'-'> &Op)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const FixedArray< AType, R > &l, const FixedArray< BType, R > &r, const Operator< CompType > &Op)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const FixedArray< ValueType, R > &l, const Operator< CompType > &C, const value &scalar)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const Operator< CompType > &C, const value &scalar, const FixedArray< ValueType, R > &l)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Column(const Matrix< R, C, value > &A, const Column< C, value > &V)Eagle::Column< Dims, real >
Column(const Matrix< R, C, value > &M, int c)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
dot(const vector &a, const vector &b)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [friend]
inv() const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Mult typedefEagle::Column< Dims, real >
normalize() (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
operator()(const vector &v) const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
operator*(const vector &v, const T &scalar)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [friend]
operator*(const T &scalar, const vector &v)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [friend]
operator*() const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
operator* (defined in Eagle::Coordinates::vector)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [friend]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::operator*(double scalar, const vector &v)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [friend]
operator+(const vector &r) const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::operator+(const vector &r) const Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
operator-(const vector &l, const vector &r)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [friend]
operator-() const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::operator-(const vector &l, const vector &r)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [friend]
operator/(const vector &v, const T &scalar)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [friend]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::operator/(const vector &v, double scalar)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [friend]
operator<< (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [friend]
operator=(const vector &v) (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
operator[](int i)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
operator[](int i) const Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
Ortho(vector &v, vector &w) const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
ortho() const Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Ortho1_x() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Ortho1_y() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Ortho1_z() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Ortho2_x() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Ortho2_y() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Ortho2_z() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
transpose() const (defined in Eagle::Column< Dims, real >)Eagle::Column< Dims, real > [inline]
unit() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const FixedArray< double, 3 > &V)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline, explicit]
vector()Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const vector &v)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(double x, double y, double z)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const point &l, const point &r)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const vector &l, const vector &r, const Operator< CompType > &C)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const vector &l, const double &scalar, const Operator< CompType > &C)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const double &scalar, const vector &l, const Operator< CompType > &C)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
vector(const vector &l, const Operator<'-'> &C)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::vector(const FixedArray< real, Dims > &V)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline, explicit]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::vector(const vector &v)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::vector(const point &l, const point &r)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
vector(const vector &l, const vector &r, const Operator< CompType > &C) (defined in Eagle::Coordinates::vector)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
vector(const vector &l, const Operator< CompType > &C, const real &scalar) (defined in Eagle::Coordinates::vector)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
vector(const Operator< CompType > &C, const real &scalar, const vector &l) (defined in Eagle::Coordinates::vector)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
Eagle::Coordinates::vector::vector(const vector &l, const Operator<'-'> &C)Eagle::Coordinates::vector [inline]
x() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
x() (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
y() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
y() (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
z() const (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]
z() (defined in Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector)Eagle::PhysicalSpace::vector [inline]