VISH  0.2

Demonstration of how to define a variable from a compound type and how to access the components of each variable.This is demonstrated with a variable value that is relative to a ValuePool.

#include <ocean/plankton/VModules.hpp>
#include <ocean/plankton/VObject.hpp>
#include <ocean/plankton/VInteractionEvent.hpp>
#include <ocean/plankton/VParameter.hpp>

using namespace Wizt;

struct  InteractionInput : VInputValue<VInteractionEvent>
        InteractionInput(const WeakPtr<VParameter>&owner)
        : VInputValue<VInteractionEvent>(owner)

        override void valueChanged(const RefPtr<VValueBase>&, const ValueNotifierList*, const ValueMap*)

int LocalCompoundInput()

// Define an initialization value. It will not be used later.
VInteractionEvent InitialValue; 
        InitialValue.x = 12345;

// Create a parameter which serves the type VInteractionEvent 
// This parameter can be part of a VObject, or part of an external 
// object, but in any case can be shared as an input of many 
// VObject's.
RefPtr< VValueParameter<VInteractionEvent> > InteractionOwner = 
        new VValueParameter<VInteractionEvent>( InitialValue, "default name", NullPtr() ); 

// Now call the coolest function of all, which allows to "see" a member
        InteractionOwner->exportMember( &VInteractionEvent::x, "x" );

// For this parameter, we define an input object. 
// It will be used to modify this parameter, depending on 
// whatever happens to this input object. Also, the input 
// object will receive notification events. 
RefPtr< VInputValue<VInteractionEvent> >
        myInput = new InteractionInput(InteractionOwner); 

// Define a new value pool  
RefPtr<ValuePool> myPool = new ValuePool(); 

// Get the global value for later use
RefPtr<VValue<VInteractionEvent> > GlobalEventValue = InteractionOwner->getGlobalValue();
        printf("Input has %d components\n", GlobalEventValue->nComponents() ); 

// Define the interaction value to be local 
RefPtr<VValue<VInteractionEvent> > EventValue = InteractionOwner->getValue( myPool, "");
        printf("Input has %d components\n", EventValue->nComponents() );

RefPtr<VTypedValueBase<int> > EventXValue = InteractionOwner->getValue( myPool, "x"); 
        if (!EventXValue)
                puts("No X Value found!"); 
                return 1;

// Set the entire compound structure to a certain value
        VInteractionEvent ActionValue;
                ActionValue.x = 6677; 
                myInput->setValue( myPool, ActionValue, 0 );

// Check it 
        int     X = 1010; 
                if (!EventXValue->getValue(X) )
                        puts("Could not get X value!"); 
                        return 2;
                printf("X Values is %d\n", X); 
                if (X != 6677)
                        return 3;

// Now set a component of the compound to a certain value 

// Verify for the component
        int     X = 9101; 
                if (!EventXValue->getValue(X) )
                        puts("Could not get X value!"); 
                        return 4;
                printf("NEW X Values is %d\n", X); 
                if (X != 999)
                        return 5;

// Verify for the compound structure 
        VInteractionEvent ActionValue; 
                myInput->getValue( myPool, ActionValue);

                printf("Compound Values X is %d\n", ActionValue.x);     

// Check that the GLOBAL compound value is left unchanged 
        VInteractionEvent ActionValue; 
                if (!GlobalEventValue->getValue(ActionValue ) )
                        return 6;
                printf("Global X Values is still %d\n", ActionValue.x);

        return 0;