DirectInterpolate Member List

This is the complete list of members for DirectInterpolate, including all inherited members.
CoordArray_t typedef (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
DirectInterpolate(const RefPtr< Field > &coordinates, const RefPtr< Grid > &grid) (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
getPoint(const point &pos, const RefPtr< Field > &vectField, tvector &outputField)DirectInterpolate
InterpCell(const point &p, const MultiArray< 1, tvector3 > &vecField, const MultiArray< 1, point > &coords, tvector &outVector) (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
InterpQuad(const point &p, const MultiArray< 1, tvector3 > &vecField, const MultiArray< 1, point > &coords, double v[], int offset, double *zface) (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
interpVectorField(const point &p, const MultiArray< 3, tvector3 > &vecField, const MultiArray< 3, point > &coords, tvector &outputField, const RefPtr< UniGridMapper > &uniMap) (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
pairArray_t typedef (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
PointInCell(const point &p, const MultiArray< 1, point > &coords) (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
RearrangePoints(RefPtr< MemArray< 1, point > > &vertexCoord, RefPtr< MemArray< 1, tvector3 > > &vertexVector, pairArray_t &cell) (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
VecArray_t typedef (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate
~DirectInterpolate() (defined in DirectInterpolate)DirectInterpolate