Bundle Member List

This is the complete list of members for Bundle, including all inherited members.
accessFirstSlice() const Bundle [inline]
addInterface(const RefPtr< InterfaceBase > &I)Intercube
AllParameters() const (defined in Bundle)Bundle [inline]
const_iterateInterfaces(const RefPtr< InterfaceIterationParameter > &IIP) const Intercube
createInterface(const type_info &t) const Intercube [virtual]
EvolutionIteratorBundle [related]
findInterface(const type_info &t) const Intercube
findMostRecentGrid(double time, const string &gridname) const Bundle
findMostRecentGrid(double time, const RefPtr< GridID > &gridid) const Bundle
findNext(double &time) const (defined in Bundle)Bundle
findNext(double time, const string &gridname) const Bundle
findNext(double time, const RefPtr< GridID > &gridname) const (defined in Bundle)Bundle
findNextRefinementLevel(double &T, const string &gridname, int Level, int IndexDepth=0) (defined in Bundle)Bundle
findPrev(double &time) const (defined in Bundle)Bundle
findPrev(double time, const string &gridname) const Bundle
findPrev(double time, const RefPtr< GridID > &gridname) const (defined in Bundle)Bundle
findPreviousRefinementLevel(double &T, const string &gridname, int Level, EvolutionIterator< Skeleton > *EIS, int IndexDepth) (defined in Bundle)Bundle
findPreviousRefinementLevel(double &T, const string &gridname, int Level, int IndexDepth=0)Bundle [inline]
findPreviousRefinementLevel(double &T, const string &gridname, int Level, EvolutionIterator< Skeleton > &EIS, int IndexDepth=0) (defined in Bundle)Bundle [inline]
firstSlice() const Bundle
getInterface(const type_info &t)Intercube
getMemoryUsage(memsize_t &UsedMemory, memsize_t &WantedMemory) const Bundle
getTimeRange(const string &Gridname, bool OnlyInspectAlreadyLoadedSlices=false) (defined in Bundle)Bundle
GridInfo_t typedefBundle
hasInterface(const RefPtr< InterfaceBase > &I)Intercube
hasInterface(const type_info &t) const Intercube
interfacesIntercube [protected]
iterate(const ParameterList &PL, EvolutionIterator< Slice > &SI) const (defined in Bundle)Bundle
iterateBackward(double &time, const string &gridname, EvolutionIterator< Grid > &GEI, bool IterateOnlyLoadedSlices) const Bundle
iterateForward(double &time, const string &gridname, EvolutionIterator< Grid > &GEI, bool IterateOnlyLoadedSlices) const Bundle
iterateInterfaces(IntercubeIterator &II) const Intercube
iterateInterfaces(const RefPtr< InterfaceIterationParameter > &IIP)Intercube
load(bool &success, const RefPtr< LoaderParameters > &ld, const RefPtr< Bundle > &B=NullPtr())Bundle [static]
load(bool &success, const string &url, const RefPtr< Bundle > &B=NullPtr(), const RefPtr< LoaderProgress > &Progress=NullPtr(), bool detect_sequence=false) (defined in Bundle)Bundle [inline, static]
Loader typedef (defined in Bundle)Bundle
maxTime() const Bundle
merge(const RefPtr< LoaderParameters > &LP)Bundle
minTime() const Bundle
newGrid() const Bundle [inline]
next(double time) const Bundle [inline]
operator()(double &time) const Bundle
operator()(double time, const string &gridname) const Bundle [inline]
operator()(double time, const RefPtr< GridID > &gridname) const Bundle [inline]
operator()(const ParameterSet &) const Bundle
operator[](double time)Bundle
operator[](const ParameterSet &)Bundle
prev(double time) const Bundle [inline]
printInterfaces() const Intercube
Range_t typedef (defined in Bundle)Bundle
registerInterface(const type_info &t)Intercube
removeInterface(const type_info &t)Intercube
sizeP1D() const Bundle [inline]
SkeletonInfo_t typedefBundle
SliceInfo_t typedefBundle
~Intercube()Intercube [virtual]