
A VObject which provides a set of lines.

See also:
#include <ocean/plankton/VCreator.hpp>
#include <ocean/shrimp/TimeDependent.hpp>

#include <bundle/Bundle.hpp>
#include <bone/BundleInput.hpp>

#include <grid/CartesianChart.hpp>
#include <ocean/eagle/PhysicalSpace.hpp>
#include <bone/GridObject.hpp>
#include <grid/types/LineSet.hpp>
#include <bone/FishSaver.hpp>
#include <field/ArrayRef.hpp>

#include <eagle/rotor3.hpp>

using namespace Wizt;
using namespace Fiber;
using namespace Eagle;
using namespace Eagle::PhysicalSpace;


class   HelicalLines : public virtual VObject, public FishGridSavable
        VOutput<Grid>           LineGrid;

        TypedSlot<int>          TimeSteps;
        TypedSlot<double>       TMax;

          Create helical lines on the given Grid object
        void    makeGrid(Grid&G, double time)
        index_t NumberOfLines = 4; 
        index_t VerticesPerLine = 512; 

        index_t TotalVertices = VerticesPerLine*NumberOfLines;

        // Define the vertices of the lines
        Ref<LineSet::CoordsMemArray_t> CoordsArray( TotalVertices );
        std::vector<point>&Crds = CoordsArray->myChunk()->get_vector(); 

        ArrayRef<tvector3>      Velocity( TotalVertices ); 
        ArrayRef<tvector3>      Normals( TotalVertices );
        ArrayRef<tvector3>      dT_ds( TotalVertices );
        ArrayRef<double>        CurvatureCross( TotalVertices );
        ArrayRef<double>        TorsionCross( TotalVertices );
        ArrayRef<double>        CurvatureGA( TotalVertices );
        ArrayRef<double>        TorsionGA( TotalVertices );

        ArrayRef<double>        VertexEnumeration( TotalVertices );

          A data array that contains 128 values per vertex of the lines.
        int     nVariant = 128;
        ArrayRef<unsigned char,2> VariantData( MIndex( TotalVertices, nVariant ) );

                {for(index_t j=0; j<NumberOfLines; j++)
                 for(index_t i=0; i<VerticesPerLine; i++)
                 index_t n( i + j*VerticesPerLine ); 

                         VertexEnumeration[n] = double(n)/ TotalVertices;

                 double omega = 1.0/40.0*(j+0.5); 

                 double si = sin(i*omega), 
                        co = cos(i*omega);

                 double A = (.1+time)*18, 
                        B = (.1+time)*16,
                        C = 0.1/(time*time+.2); 

                 double x = A*si,
                        y = B*co,
                        z = C*(i+j); 

                         Crds[ n ] =  x, y, z; 

                        // velocity is derivative along curve parameter, 
                        // which is "i" in this case: 

                 double Vx = A*co*omega,
                        Vy = -B*si*omega,
                        Vz = C; 

                        Velocity[ n ] = Vx, Vy, Vz; 

                        // second derivative, the curve normal
                double Nx = -A*si*omega*omega,
                       Ny = -B*co*omega*omega,
                       Nz = 0; 

                        Normals[ n ] = Nx, Ny, Nz; 

                //||dot c <x> ddot c|| / ||dot c||^3 
                tvector Cross( Vy*Nz - Ny*Vz, -(Vx*Nz-Nx*Vz), Vx*Ny-Nx*Vy ); 
                double s = norm(Velocity[n]); 
                        CurvatureCross[ n ] = norm(Cross)/(s*s*s); 

                // derivative of normalized velocity: 

                double A2 = A*A,
                       B2 = B*B,
                   omega2 = omega*omega,
                   omega3 = omega2*omega; 

                double D = A2*co*co*omega2 + B2*si*si*omega2 + C*C; 

                double E = -2*A2*co*omega3*si + 2*B2*si*omega3*co; 

                double dTUx = -A*si*omega2 / sqrt(D) - A*co*omega*E / (2*pow(D, 3./2)),
                       dTUy = -B*co*omega2 / sqrt(D) + B*si*omega*E / (2*pow(D, 3./2)),
                       dTUz = -C*E / (2*pow(D, 3./2)); 

                tvector dTU(dTUx, dTUy, dTUz ); 

                        dT_ds[ n ] = dTU; 

                        CurvatureGA[ n ] = norm( dTU );

                // second derivative of normalized velocity 
                double omega4 = omega3*omega; 

                double F = 2*A2*si*si*omega4-2*A2*co*co*omega4+2*B2*co*co*omega4-2*B2*si*si*omega4; 

                double ddTUx = -A*co*omega3/sqrt(D) + A*si*omega2*E / pow(D, 3./2) + 3./4 * A*co*omega*E*E / pow(D, 5./2) - 1./2 * A*co*omega*F / pow(D, 3./2),
                       ddTUy = -B*si*omega3/sqrt(D) + B*co*omega2*E / pow(D, 3./2) - 3./4 * B*si*omega*E*E / pow(D, 5./2) + 1./2 * B*si*omega*F / pow(D, 3./2),
                       ddTUz = 3./4 * C *E*E / pow(D, 5./2) - 1./2 * C * F / pow(D, 3./2); 

                tvector ddTU(ddTUx, ddTUy, ddTUz ); 
                        // third derivative 
                tvector U; 
                        U = (.1+time)*-18*cos(i*omega)*omega*omega*omega,

                        TorsionCross[ n ] = dot(Cross, U) / norm2(Cross); 

                //double tau = ( ( U ^ Normals[n] ) * Velocity[n] ).trivec().r(); 

//      double  tau = ( ( U ^ Normals[n] ) ^ Velocity[n] ).r() / norm2( Normals[n] ^ Velocity[n] ); 

                double  tau = ( ( ddTU ^ dTU ) ^ Velocity[n] ).r() / norm2( dTU ^ Velocity[n] ); 

                        TorsionGA[ n ] = tau;

                          setup a funny variant field
                        for(int vidx = 0; vidx < nVariant; vidx++)
                        double  V = 1.0*vidx / nVariant,
                                N = 1.0 * i/ VerticesPerLine,
                                J = 1.0*j/NumberOfLines;
                        //              V *= (1.0-V); 

                                V = 0.5+0.5*(sin(V*3.141592*(1+4*N) ));

//                      V = N;

                                VariantData[ MIndex( n, vidx) ] = (unsigned char)(255.0*V);

        // Define the indices that form a line 
        // (this could actually be done in the first loop as well)
        // This is actually an array of arrays, since each line could be 
        // of different length. Just in this case here each of them consists 
        // of 1000 vertices each.
        Ref<LineSet::LinesetArray_t>     LinesetArray(NumberOfLines);
        MultiArray<1, LineSet::LineIndices_t>&LineIndices = *LinesetArray; 
                {for(index_t j=0; j<NumberOfLines; j++)
                LineSet::LineIndices_t&E = LineIndices[ j ];
                        for(index_t i=0; i<VerticesPerLine; i++)
                                E[i] = i + j*VerticesPerLine;

        LineSet theLines(G.self(), CoordsArray, LinesetArray ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ LineSet::PredefinedFieldNames::Velocity ]->setPersistentData( Velocity ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Analytic CrossCurvature" ]->setPersistentData( CurvatureCross );
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Analytic GACurvature" ]->setPersistentData( CurvatureGA ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Analytic Normals" ]->setPersistentData( Normals ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Analytic CrossTorsion" ]->setPersistentData( TorsionCross ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Analytic GATorsion" ]->setPersistentData( TorsionGA ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Analytic dT_ds" ]->setPersistentData( dT_ds ); 

                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "Variant Data" ]->setPersistentData( VariantData ); 
                (*theLines.CartesianVertices)[ "LocalVertexNumber" ]->setPersistentData( VertexEnumeration );

                theLines.setupStandardFields(G.self() );

        HelicalLines(const string&name, int p, const RefPtr<VCreationPreferences>&VP)
        : VObject(name, p, VP)
        , FishGridSavable(this, LineGrid)
        , LineGrid( self(), "grid")
        , TimeSteps( this, "timesteps", 30,2)
        , TMax(this, "tmax", 2.0, 1)
                TMax.setProperty("max", 100.0);

        override bool update(VRequest&Context, double precision)
        puts("override bool update(VRequest&Context, double precision)");
        BundlePtr B; // create new bundle each time on update
        double  t_min = 0.0,
                t_max = 1.0;

        int     nTimeSteps = 10;
                TimeSteps << Context >> nTimeSteps; 
                TMax      << Context >> t_max;

#define gridname        "helicalgrid"

                for(int t = 0; t<nTimeSteps; t++)
                double  time = t*(t_max - t_min) / nTimeSteps + t_min;
                Grid&G = B[ time ][ gridname ]; 
                        makeGrid( G, time);

        GridSelector GS(gridname, B);
                LineGrid << Context << GS;

                return true;

static  Ref<VCreator<HelicalLines> >    myCreator("CreateGrid/HelicalLines", ObjectQuality::DEMO);

} // namespace