VISH  0.2
Type information trait classes

A set of classes that specify information on how a certain type is constructed. More...


Detailed Description

A set of classes that specify information on how a certain type is constructed.

The type information is separated into different classes such that it is convenient to use default information for the most common cases.

The main type trait class is MetaInfo<>, it specifies elementary information. The type trait MetaInfoMemSize<> specifies additional information about the space occupied in memory, which may differ from the raw data size on disc, e.g. in case of alignment issues on vectorized (see class VVector<>) types. For multidimensional types, class MetaInfoElementIndex<> provides a mapping of a multidimensional index onto memory index spaces, which allows to implement symmetry relationships.

Class CoordNames<> provides information about textual namings for coordinate functions and coordinate systems of an eventually associated chart.