The gridtypes library provides a collection of classes for easier handling of known types of grids.
- struct Fiber::CurveDerivative< Type, Metric, ValueOperator >
- An operator for OnDemandCreators to be used on LineSet's. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::ArcLength
- Compute the arc length of a curve. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::StepSize
- Compute the step size of a curve. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::Velocity
- Store the velocity of curve, which determines its parameterization. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::CurveQuantity< FieldType >
- Base class for quantities computed on a curve and therefore are dependent on the velocity. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::Energy
- Compute the energy of a curve, which is
. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::ProperTime
- Compute the proper time of a curve, which is a line with Velocity given. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::Acceleration
- Compute the acceleration along a curve. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::Curvature
- Compute the curvature of a curve, which is a line with Velocity given. More...
- struct Fiber::Curve::Torsion
- Compute the torsion of a curve, which is a line with Velocity given. More...
- class Fiber::Edges
- Identify the edges on a skeleton within a Grid. More...
- class Fiber::LineSet
- A set of lines stored on a Grid. More...
- struct Fiber::TriangularSurface
- A triangular surface stored on a Grid. More...
- class Fiber::TriangularSurfaceWithEdges
- A triangular surface stored on a Grid, containing vertices, edges, triangles. More...
Detailed Description
The gridtypes library provides a collection of classes for easier handling of known types of grids.
Note that it does not add any new or different kind of data storage. All functions and objects in this class have zero memory storage - they merely refer to objects stored as Grid and access properties of them.
A specific Grid may hold properties that conform to more than one Grid type. Consequently, one single Grid may appear as multipe Grid types. Grid types are not mutually exclusive, they are rather accumulative.
This library is supposed to primarily provide Grid types, which is classes extracting and holding the properties of a certain Grid type. These convenience classes may also provide some simple operations that are specific and frequent for these Grid types. At this point there is an overlap with the baseop (Base Space Operations) library. Intentionally all operations provided via the Grid type library should be microscopic, whereas the operations of the baseop library contains the really huge computations, for instance the computation of an Isosurface. The Grid type library may well serve as a type API for the baseop library, such that operations on the base space may deliver Grid types defined here.