Grid Objects

Fiber Bundle HDF5 - Grid Structure (grid group)

A grid is an object referring to some geometrical entity (for a specific instance in parameter space like time). A grid subgroup (contained within a slice group) contains all information related to this object. Evolution Information relative to the grid predeccessor and successor (in arbitrary parameterizations) may also be stored here.

A Grid contains a `Charts' subgroup defining (time-)local chart properties (eg. time-dependent transformation coefficients) and various Topology subgroups. Four Topology subgroups are predefined and must not be used as user-defined Topology groups, these groups are:

Each of these subgroups is optional. Arbitrary other Topology subgroups may be defined, eg. for AMR purposes.

Grid "VolumeData"
  |---> Charts/
  |---> Points/
  |---> Connectivity/
  |---> Faces/
  |---> Edges/

The `Charts' subgroup of a Grid

This reserved group per Grid contains information which charts are defined on a grid and which transformation rules are allowed on this grid. It has an entry (a subgroup) for each defined chart. This chart subgroup contains a reference (symbolic link) to the corresponding global chart object which allows to identify and track compatible chart objects with their corresponding data representation over various grids. This symlink has to be named `GlobalChart'. Each chart subgroup then has a subgroup ("Transformation group") named by another chart object. This subgroup contains all the information which is required to perform coordinate transformations into this chart.

   |--> "Standard Cartesian Chart 3D"/
   |              |
   |              |---->   /GlobalChart -> /Charts/Cartesian 3D/Standard Cartesian Chart 3D   (symlink to global chart object)
   |              |
   |              \---->  "Standard Polar Chart 3D"/  Group containing transformation data (Cartesian->Polar)
   \--> "Standard Polar Chart 3D"/
                  |---->  /GlobalChart -> /Charts/Polar 3D/Standard Polar Chart 3D     (symlink to global chart object)
                  \----> "Standard Cartesian Chart 3D"/ Group containing transformation from Polar to Cartesian

Extensions and Restrictions