Jean-Luc's Movies

Jean-Luc Movie: /NCSA1999/NeutronStars/Newton/RealNewtonII

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Similar to RealNewton this movie shows the newtonian neutron star merger from an observer position from more inside the scenario.

So we just miss NCC1701 flying through the turbulent storms.

Let's hope that Jean-Luc did a good job to navigate you through this turbulent area of general relativity.

Simulation: Philip Gressman ( WashU )
See also: neutron star merger grand challenge pages, WU Relativity AEI , WashU
Visualization by: Werner Benger ( AEI , ZIB )
Background: M46, photograph by Bruno Stampfer and Rainer Eisendle, Sternwarte Heiligkreuz

Mpeg Movie: RealNewtonII.mpg
( Mpeg -