Jean-Luc's Movies

Jean-Luc Movie: /NCSA1999/BlackHoles/Dec1999/AHPsi4XYSlice

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <set eval="<realfile>" variable="realfile">

RXML parse error: No current scope.
 | <if variable="realfile is /usr/local/jean-luc/movies-small/*">
 | <if variable="realfile is /usr/local/jean-luc/movies-small/*">


Preliminar results from a newer run in December 1999. Note that the 3D background data is only valid until T~50, due to a 2GB file I/O limit. The boundary reflections are quite prominent and reducing them is under active development.

Mpeg Movie: AHPsi4XYSlice.mpg
( Mpeg -